Building on MacOSX

From GridPACK
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Building GridPACK on Mac OS X 10.8 (Snow Leopard)

This particular system is an older !MacBook Pro. Some of the [wiki:Building/Prerequisites prerequisite software] was installed on this system using MacPorts, which is reasonably convenient. The following ports were installed: {{{

 cmake @ (active)
 openmpi @1.7.1_0+gcc47 (active)
 boost @1.53.0_1+no_single+no_static+openmpi+python27 (active)
 doxygen @ (active)
 graphviz @2.30.1_0+pangocairo+x11 (active)

}}} Note that the {{{openmpi}}} Boost variant was installed. This is important. Doxygen and Graphviz are optional.

It's possible to use the MPI implementation that is standard in MacOS, but that was not done on this particular system.

Building PETSc

PETSc version 3.4.0 was configured and built as follows: {{{ setenv PETSC_DIR /Users/d3g096/ProjectStuff/petsc-3.4.0 unsetenv PETSC_ARCH python ./config/ \

   --with-mpi=1 \
   --with-cc=openmpicc \
   --with-fc=openmpif90 \
   --with-cxx=openmpicxx \
   --with-c++-support=1 \
   --with-c-support=0 \
   --with-fortran=0 \
   --with-scalar-type=complex \
   --download-f2cblaslapack=1 \
   --with-clanguage=c++ \
   --with-shared-libraries=0 \
   --with-dynamic-loading=0 \
   --with-x=0 \
   --with-mpirun=openmpirun \
   --with-mpiexec=openmpiexec \

make all make test }}} Note that the OpenMPI compilers were used, consistent with the Boost installation. The configuration decided that {{{PETSC_ARCH}}} should be {{{arch-darwin-cxx-opt}}}.

Building ParMETIS

In order to get ParMETIS 4.0 to compile with older GNU compilers, a warning option needs to be removed from on of the build system files. In the top ParMETIS source directory, execute the following command: {{{ sed -e 's/-Wno-unused-but-set-variable//g' metis/GKlib/GKlibSystem.cmake }}} Starting in the ParMETIS source directory, build and install METIS first: {{{ set prefix=/Users/d3g096/ProjectStuff/GridPack/software cd metis make config prefix="$prefix" make make install }}} then build and install ParMETIS: {{{ cd .. make config cc=openmpicc cxx=openmpicxx prefix="$prefix" make make install }}} Do some tests to make sure it works: {{{ cd Graphs openmpirun -np 2 $prefix/bin/ptest rotor.graph openmpirun -np 2 $prefix/bin/ptest rotor.graph openmpirun -np 2 $prefix/bin/ptest bricks.hex3d }}} The last one seemed to hang.

Building and Testing GridPACK

CMake projects are designed to be built outside of the source code location. If the entire GridPACK {{{trunk}}} repository is checked out, the top of the the CMake project is {{{.../src}}}. Make a subdirectory there called {{{build}}} or something. Configure and build GridPACK in that directory.

GridPACK was configured and built as follows: {{{ cd /path/to/gridpack/trunk/src mkdir build cd build cmake -Wno-dev \

   -D Boost_DIR:STRING='/opt/local' \
   -D PETSC_DIR:STRING='/Users/d3g096/ProjectStuff/petsc-3.4.0' \
   -D PETSC_ARCH:STRING='arch-darwin-cxx-opt' \
   -D MPI_CXX_COMPILER:STRING='openmpicxx' \
   -D MPI_C_COMPILER:STRING='openmpicc' \
   -D MPIEXEC:STRING='openmpiexec' \

make make test }}}