Ubuntu Installation
GridPACK is relatively easy to install on an Ubuntu Linux system. Working packages for most GridPACK prerequisites are available from standard repositories. If you do not need to modify the GridPACK source, e.g. just use the GridPACK example applications or build your own application, you can install the binary package from the GridPACK PPA.
GridPACK packages are available for the long term support (LTS) 64-bit (AMD64) Ubuntu series 16.04 (xenial) and 18.04 (bionic). If you are installing Ubuntu on a system or virtual machine, download the 16.04 or 18.04 LTS Desktop AMD64 distribution and follow the installation instructions. GridPACK packages install a version of Global Arrays (GA) specifically for GridPACK use. This will conflict with applications that depend on the Ubuntu GA packages, but this should be a rarity for GridPACK users.
You will need super user or sudo privileges for this installation.
GridPACK Installation on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 or 18.04 LTS
Add the PPA to your system, and install GridPACK with
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wperkins/gridpack-ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gridpack-dev
Make sure your installation works by building and running one of the several example applications, e.g. power flow:
mkdir tmpbuild cd tmpbuild cmake /usr/share/gridpack/example/powerflow make mpiexec -np 2 ./powerflow.x 118.xml
Also, you can run the installed powerflow application on this same input:
mpiexec -np 2 /usr/bin/pf.x 118.xml
Other GridPACK applications that can be found in /usr/bin are contingency analysis (ca.x), dynamic simulation (dsf.x), and state estimation (stes.x). Additional example inputs for the GridPACK applications can be found under /usr/share/gridpack/example. The GridPACK libraries and include files are all found under /usr, so specify this directory as your GridPACK installation directory when compiling you own applications.
GridPACK can be removed with
sudo apt-get purge gridpack-dev sudo apt autoremove