How to Build GridPACK

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Prerequisite Software

Currently, GridPACK builds on Linux/UNIX sytems. Other operating systems are not supported at this time.

Building GridPACK is relatively complicated, primarily because it depends on several third-party software packages. These need to be built and installed prior to building GridPACK. Refer to the list of required software for what is needed.


Configuration is the most complicated part of the process. CMake is used to configure GridPACK for building. The process insures that required software is available and usable. CMake expects to configure GridPACK in a directory other than the one containing the source code. Typically, one makes an empty directory, called build, say, and executes

 cmake [options] gridpack/source/directory

where options are used to locate required software and set compiler options. The shell script shows some examples of configuration options for a few systems.


Once configured, GridPACK is built with


which will take some time. If building on a multi-core system, building can go faster if multiple core are use, e.g.,

 make -j 8

will use 8 simultaneous processes to build GridPACK.

Running Tests

After a successful build, GridPACK unit tests can be run with

 make test

which will produce a list of tests and whether they passed or failed.


Descriptions of building GridPACK on some specific machines: